Our Mission

Voices Against Criminal Exploitation exists to eradicate criminal exploitation in all its forms. Our mission is to prevent exploitation, protect those who are at risk and support survivors. We are not just addressing the symptoms of exploitation; we are committed to tackling the root causes, driving systemic change, and empowering individuals and communities to resist and overcome exploitation.

Our Approach:

Prevention Through Awareness and Education: Prevention is the cornerstone of our approach. At Voices Against Criminal Exploitation, we believe that by educating the public, we can significantly reduce the incidence of criminal exploitation. We develop and deliver comprehensive training courses to schools, community groups, and practitioners. These training courses are designed to raise awareness about the various forms of criminal exploitation including county lines, financial criminal exploitation, forced begging, organised criminal exploitation and gang exploitation. We teach people to recognize the signs, understand the risks, and know how to act. Our training packages extend to the most vulnerable populations, ensuring that those who are most at risk have the information and support they need to protect themselves and their loved ones.


Research and Advocacy for Systemic Change: Our work is informed by rigorous research and a deep understanding of the complexities of criminal exploitation. Voices Against Criminal Exploitation conducts ongoing research into the patterns, causes, and consequences of exploitation, using this knowledge to drive systemic change. We engage in advocacy at all levels while pushing for policy reforms that better protect vulnerable individuals, support survivors, and strengthen the legal framework against exploitation. Our advocacy is driven by the voices of those who have experienced exploitation firsthand. We believe that policy decisions should be informed by the lived experiences of survivors, ensuring that their needs and perspectives are at the centre of the legislative process.


Building Strong and Resilient Communities: Exploitation often takes root in communities that are vulnerable due to social, economic, or political factors. Voices Against Criminal Exploitation is committed to strengthening these communities, making them more resilient against the forces of exploitation. We work with local organisations to develop and implement community-based projects that address the underlying issues that make individuals and groups susceptible to exploitation. These projects include initiatives focused on economic empowerment, access to education, and social inclusion. By fostering stronger, more connected communities, we aim to reduce the prevalence of exploitation and create environments where everyone has the opportunity to thrive.


Empowering Individuals to Take Action: Empowerment is a central theme in our work. Voices Against Criminal Exploitation believes that lasting change comes when individuals are empowered to take action—whether that means standing up against exploitation, supporting someone who is vulnerable, or advocating for change in their own communities. We provide tools, resources, and training to individuals and groups who want to make a difference. Our aim is to create a network of informed, engaged, and empowered citizens who can act as a force for good in their communities, helping to prevent exploitation and support those who have been affected.

Our Vision:

The vision of Voices Against Criminal Exploitation is a UK where every individual is free from the threat of exploitation, where justice is accessible to all, and where communities are strong, resilient, and safe. We envision a society where exploitation is not only recognized and condemned but eradicated entirely, leading to a society where every person can live without fear, with dignity, and with the opportunity to reach their full potential.

Our Commitment:

At Voices Against Criminal Exploitation, our commitment is unwavering. We know that the path to eradicating criminal exploitation is long and challenging, but we are driven by the knowledge that every step we take makes a difference in someone’s life. We are committed to being a voice for the voiceless, to standing up for those who cannot stand up for themselves, and to fighting for a world where exploitation no longer exists. Our work is not just a job—it is a calling, a mission that we pursue with passion, integrity, and a deep sense of responsibility.

As we move forward, we continue to be inspired by the strength and resilience of the survivors we serve, and by the dedication of our partners and supporters. Together, we believe that we can create a future where exploitation is a thing of the past and a future where every voice is heard, and every person is free.

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